There were red lentils in the cupboard, and a little rice left in the canister, a couple cloves of garlic, some onion, and about a third of the kale from the CSA this week. Veggie stock I made last night. That was dinner, and in this combination:
Rice-Cooker Rice and Lentils
- Equal parts brown rice and red lentils*
- Twice that amount of veggie stock* or water
- Two cloves of garlic, crushed or minced or whatever
- A pat of butter or a dribble of oil
- Salt
Cut thin slices off the onion so that they form rings. Saute these briefly in a skillet, in either oil or butter. Once they're clear/browned/caramelized, remove from pan and set aside.
Top lentil mixture with onions and eat up!
Skillet Greens
- 1-2 T butter or oil
- 1 clove garlic (or the remains from pressed garlic, which I used
- about 1/2 cup water
- fresh greens (kale, chard, collards, mustard, spinach, or whatever)
- lemon juice or vinegar of your choice
Saute just a bit, then remove from heat before they greens get scorched. Sprinkle with lemon/vinegar and salt, if desired.
*Lentils: Any kind of lentils will work. Red lentils turn this into a stew/casserole, depending on how much liquid is left. They fall apart, seriously. Brown lentils retain a slightly crunchy beaniness if not cooked a bit beforehand, so if you want them soft, they'll have to go in at least partially pre-cooked. Haven't done this with green or black lentils.
*Vegetable Stock: I save all my veggie scraps in the freezer in a much-reused gallon-sized plastic bag, until the bag gets full. Then I dump the contents into a stock pot, cover with water, salt lightly, and boil the stuffing out of it. When all the veggie scraps are looking like all the life is out of them, I remove the solids, run the liquid through a strainer-inside-a-funnel into a jar, and there you have it. (By the way, my "funnel" is the cut off top of a gallon milk jug.)
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